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WVNCC - Phi Theta Kappa Convention

Posted 04/06/18

PTK Group PhotoWest Virginia Northern Community College (WVNCC) recently hosted 100 members of the National Honor Society, Phi Theta Kappa, for the 2018 Ohio Hallmark Convention on their Wheeling Campus. In addition to the conference the WVNCC Phi Theta Kappa Chapter, Omega Epsilon, and their members won numerous awards.

The convention included a keynote address by WVNCC Division Chair of Business and Public Service, David Stoffel, breakout sessions, and a Hallmark Dinner and Gala Awards Celebration at the River City Ballroom.

During the Hallmark Awards, Phi Theta Kappa recognizes outstanding students, advisors, teams and projects. The WVNCC Omega Epsilon Chapter won the following awards:

  • Recognition as a Host Chapter – WVNCC Omega Epsilon
  • Ohio Golden Opportunity Scholarship - Vicki Parr, student, WVNCC
  • The Susan B. Gordon Award for College Presidents - Dr. Riley, president, WVNCC
  • Charlie Gallucci Appreciative Advising Award - Dr. Hollie Buchanan, professor of mathematics, WVNCC
  • The Most Distinguished Advisor - Mark Goldstein, professor of mathematics, WVNCC
  • Most Valuable Member, The Order of The Golden Key - Kevin Meigh, student, WVNCC
  • Most Valuable Chapter Officer, The Order of Athena - Ayla Butcher, student, WVNCC
  • Most Valuable Chapter Officer, The Order of Athena - Ciera Parr, student, WVNCC
  • Honors In Action, Theme Award: Rights and Responsibility - Omega Epsilon, WVNCC students Ciera Parr, Ayla Butcher, Kevin Meigh, Katie Puterbaugh, Angel Moore, Caitlin Brown, and Michelle Taylor
  • 6th Most Distinguished Chapter in the Region - Omega Epsilon
  • Most Improved Chapter in the Region - Omega Epsilon
  • WV Flag Bearer - Ciera Parr, student, WVNCC
  • Most Distinguished Regional Officer - Ciera Parr, student, WVNCC

In addition to the Hallmark Awards the following from WVNCC also won awards:

  • Most Valuable Member Award - Katie Puterbaugh, student, WVNCC
  • Howdy Bear Award, in recognition of excellence in networking - Omega Epsilon

Following the awards, inductions were held for new members and officers and Melanie Baker, information systems specialist at WVNCC and a PTK Alumni, was inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Alpha Chapter.


