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WVNCC Awarded Diversity Grant

Posted 09/08/14

West Virginia Northern Community College has been awarded a $7,980 “Diversity for Equity” grant to fund programs that increase cultural diversity on campus and promote equal access to higher education opportunities.

Northern’s grant funds will be used to support special programs, open to the public, that will commemorate Disabilities Awareness Month, Martin Luther King Day, Black History Month and Women’s History Month.

“Our college consistently has been awarded funding through this extremely worthy initiative that’s been ongoing for more than ten years,” Dr. Martin J. Olshinsky, president of WVNCC, said. “We are eagerly looking forward to offering a wide range of excellent programming focused on diversity issues,” he added.

The Diversity for Equity program is a joint initiative of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education. The program aims to foster campus environments that are inclusive of various generational, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Projects funded through the initiative focus on closing achievement gaps among underrepresented populations and preparing students to live and work in a diverse world.